Chaos, Order, and Collective Identity: The Societal Impact of Digital Information Systems and the Need for Public Coordination

Does Chaos exist? Or we simply do not possess the capacity to formalize it?

This is a very hard question to answer, at the base of the major physics and philosophical unknowns. The future may be pre-determined, volatile, or even not exist.

What could be classified as slightly more certain is that at least, we perceive the Universe as chaotic, intended as the incapacity to fully formalize and anticipate natural and social phenomena.

This factor is unconsciously ignored or implicit when receiving formal education or sharing information across societies. We assume nature and society acquire the shape of the order implicit within our scheme of values and thinking. We are unwilling to be aware of our own collective faulty bias in measuring phenomena and influencing their perception.

Uncertainty and unpredictability are repulsive to an efficiently industrious and schematic organism. In some instances, such internal adversarial meta-regulatory mechanisms may drive the development of psycho-barriers as a coping band-aid and provide the illusion of order to our routines.

Hence we start to tend towards a communitarian representation of the state of reality, influencing proactively peers via education or narratives and reactively via societal pressures and perceived norms.

This evolution was unlocked by 2 major factors:

  • Development of pain receptors and subsequent meta-pain (fear) consequential to the projection of the potential future state of pain (damage).
  • Development of human emotions and social mechanisms (projection of the identity extended over the ego).

Those are the 2 necessary causes, since without them the likelihood of the state of human civilization as we know it today could be significantly smaller.

This is also one of the reasons why, despite the probability of an advanced civilization being higher than the one associated with the opposite case, we do not possess evidence or information about it: evolutionary dominance would converge towards maximum information and credible incentives / controllable levers rather than an emotional sealant, and in such scenario, the identity driver would be substituted by a hiper-rational agency that would command existence in absence of evidence, a survival strategical necessity in presence of higher uncertainties.

Hence, when Pentagon “provocateurs”, whether bona fide or not, try to convince the world of UFO or non-human presences on Earth Airspace, it appears a propaganda action.

It is a machiavellian scenario, virtuous under certain aspects given the local state of history and society, representing the necessary metus hostilis to drive towards further military coordination, and the leverage of US economy and population towards a renewed narrative of its empire. An implicit action in net contrast with the liberal policies promoted globally: increasing the military expenditures to contain the Indipacific expansion and continuing to guarantee the Pax Americana.

A fatigued American population, switching towards an economistic philosophy rather than continuing to pursue glory and world influence, does not want to converge further towards the public and explicit recognition of the Sino-Russian threat. The painful (since resource-intensive) collective memory of the Soviet era and the recent Ukraine war expenses (reflected in the higher cost of living) drive toward a subconscious mass hysteria and repulsion in having further demands by Washington strategists.

Hence the paradox, the public belief that we are globalized and included, with public governance reducing its presence in citizens’ lives in favor of freer markets, as normed during the American Revolution, while from the other side, we observe the largest employer in the World, the Department of Defence (together with its Indian equivalent) with its 3 million people.

This degree of investment in military infrastructure is not necessarily negative, given the competitive and predatory nature of the environment we operate in, but demonstrates how centralized resource planning and advanced technology development are critical for the long-term survival of an independent Nation-state or a civilization, this is particularly true if performed effectively without producing any observable evidence regarding the state of advancement.

It would be unrealistic, according to current scientific knowledge, to expect human individuals who are within a given collectivity, to self-coordinate in synergy with such a group without the presence of orchestration and alignment mechanisms. Therefore, it is unrealistic to expect economies and human societies to develop in the absence of a public intentional agenda or vision. It is the duty of the implicit national design to ensure that individuals are performing their intended actions.

This should not translate into a dysfunctional control of human liberties, oppositely the intended action has to be within the realm of desire and natural tendencies of the individual, a condition that is also desirable to achieve proactive and genuine synergies and efficiencies in place of bureaucratic corruption and inefficiency.

Such mechanisms of alignment should follow objective, automated, and unbiased principles, composing a digital collective brain.

In such a schema, the mechanisms’ goals will

  • Pursue emotional and harmonical regulation within a society at an individual level
  • Develop the spiritual and material individual wealth
  • Create coherent and measurable collective efforts/developments preventing redundancies or reinventing the wheel

The reason for the first goal is the constant growth of destabilization and dysregulation mechanisms within the main social media. Compared to the early 2000, the depression rates in the US almost tripled, and this is not following an organic curve, but rather a symptom of systemic demoralization via unconventional means.

Compared to 1970, the unmarried Population also tripled in the US in absolute terms (doubled in terms of share). Another symptom of a systemic shift in the hierarchy of values and norms, toward de-responsibilization and lower tolerance to adversity.

A tendency driven by social media, that provoke emotional dysregulation by exciting narcissistic self-projections towards hyper-superiority in relation to others, perpetuating a toxic competition that induces status-deceiving collective illusions.

Content is loaded to be consumed since is assumed to represent us and our status in other’s memories, and this will nurse the primordial fantasy of achieving societal advantages. This is done effectively to the point of exposing us to a virtually unlimited amount of sources of comparison, that switch our self-perceived state to a lower rank within our emotional regulation system, generating dissatisfaction and unwillingness to enjoy our daily lives as they are, fueling unrealistic expectations in our relationships and lowering the amount of time dedicated to high-quality bonds.

It is dangerous to diffuse social media technologies to unexposed and vulnerable communities due to the chaotic nature of society, we are facing negative unintended, and unpredictable consequences that will manifest non-linearly in the coming years. Humans did not develop the survival mechanism of unbiased representation of the personal identity relative to the collective digital experience, and this may create an explosive collective imitative mania that if left uncontrolled while AGI is developed, may potentially trigger civil wars in extreme scenarios due to the efficacy of highly customized and provocative content generation capacities.

For such reason, a public coordination mechanism must reduce the cognitive exposition of a given nation-state and include it within its sphere of national defense (military and demographic infosphere, that maps knowledge and potential capacities of a nation and the resilience of its intrinsic motivation).

Traditional families compose the core pillar of our societies, similarly, a distinct collective identity must be preserved rather than being subtly annihilated. Without it, society will become a simple sum of its components and lose its synergistic advantage, removing its immunity to external influences and translating into systemic inflammation that will gradually erode societal cohesion and the willingness to invest and perpetuate towards common shared goals, such as military and intelligence safety and technological advancements.

It is in the interest of your adversary that you believe that an aligned hierarchy of value is optional, that a scheme of order is dysfunctional, and that self-perception can be reorganized daily irrespective of the collective needs. Misalignment and the absence of an orchestration mechanism are the perfect environments to foster your assets against yourself.

Social media and artificial intelligence will be used to provoke and excite further degrees of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy within the population, creating useful agents of chaos to demoralize public opinion and incapacitate collective safety and cognitive abilities.

It is necessary to reduce our exposure to social media and to demand governments ensure that citizens’ morale and infosphere are protected, to the same degree as our Airspace is. New counterintelligence digital info-systems are necessary to evaluate the status quo and identify the root causes of disinformation.

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